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Main SPA Newsletters
SPA Dispatches
A roundup of the top news from SPA.
SPA Events Dispatches (Weekly)
A comprehensive list of upcoming SPA events from every part of the school's departments, programs, research centers and institutes.
Center & Institute Newsletters
Metropolitan Policy Center (Weekly)
Summary of upcoming events and activities at MPC, which tracks important policy topics affecting urban areas across the country.
Women & Politics Institute Newsletter (Monthly)
Subscribe to view recent highlights and learn about upcoming opportunities at the Women & Politics Institute.
Justice Programs Office (Monthly)
A monthly summary of the top news from JPO, which tracks the latest news about the American justice and court systems and policies.
National Drug Court Resource Center Newsletter (Monthly)
A monthly summary of the top news from our Justice Programs Office' Drug Treatment Court Program.
Veterans' Justice and Mental Health Newsletter (Monthly)
A monthly summary of the news and topics affecting veterans in the justice systems.
Right to Counsel National Campaign (Monthly)
News and information about the right for the accused to have the right to counsel even if they cannot afford one.