One Year In, Student-Run Integrated Communications Agency Going Strong

American University School of Communication (AU SOC) Communication Collaborative for Change (SOC3) celebrated its first anniversary in early October with several happy clients and two successful cohorts under its belt. SOC3 Director and Hurst Sr. Professional Lecturer Pallavi Kumar was joined by third cohort students and well-wishers from across AU to toast the milestone.
The program’s initial launch was made possible by a $500,000 Change Can’t Wait campaign gift from AU Board of Trustees member and alumnus, Michael Kempner, founder and CEO of the independent public relations agency MikeWorldWide.
SOC3 offers students the unique opportunity to work with real clients through a student-run integrated communications agency. The work often focuses on environmental, social, and governance issues, and corporate social responsibility for organizations and companies interested in having a meaningful impact on society.
Isis Amusa, a student who was part of SOC3’s second cohort and featured on the Media in the Mix podcast, said, “Rarely have I experienced this much joy and creativity in a course.”
Since its launch last year, SOC3 has collaborated with clients such as DC Central Kitchen and Bring Our Families Home (BOFH) to create various storytelling platforms to increase awareness of and participation with both non-profits.
“We work with different organizations to help them build the story-building aspect of their company and tell a story that they want us to tell.” said Kydira Garfield, a junior who is a public relations major. “Right now we are working with two different companies, Home Depot and Butter Me Up.”
SOC3 was created to place GenZ students at the forefront of creative innovation, social justice and industry diversity by equipping them with the professional skills and experience to jump start their careers.
“We want the [SOC3] cohort to look like what the comms world should look like. I see the photos of our cohort and the work they’re doing and that’s the representation I want to see happen in the industry,” Kumar said.

SOC3 leverages its location at the only school in Washington, DC, that brings journalism, film, public relations and communication studies together building creative collaborations between students from different programs.
“SOC3 has made me realize the importance of collaboration even more. We are all in our little different groups of SOC3 but I think we all really come together and that’s when the best events and the best content ideas are created.” said Delanie O'Neill, a junior public relations major. “[W]hatever career I go into I can collaborate and make sure that stories are told, and that the story-telling element really drives how people should be communicating within the industry.”
“It’s very different being in an experiential learning course.” said Miles Wilson, a junior and communications studies major. “I feel like I’m getting a lot of experience that I would otherwise find in a campus job or an internship but (I am getting it from) within a class.”
Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to APPLY TODAY. Deadline: Thursday, November 2nd by midnight
SOC3: One Year Anniversary
Students and faculty celebrate an incredible year of American University's SOC3 program!