American University Students Take Capital Emmys by Storm

American University School of Communication (AU SOC) students won a majority of the categories in the National Capital Emmy Student Production Awards. SOC students took home nine awards for the 2022/2023 academic year. The school with the next highest total won three awards. Here are winners:
Newscast: District Wire News
Bonnie Bishop, Spaulding Bingaman, Joseph Reberkenny, Karlee Zolman, Kathryn Gilroy, Caroline Johnson, Solène Guarinos, Maegan Seaman, Nicole Yu, Alexandra Rivera, Andrew Hall, Angelina Saintil (Professor Terry Bryant's COMM 487/687 class)
News Report - Serious News:
“Anti-war Protesters,” Gabe Ferris (Professor Terry Bryant's COMM 432/632 class)
News Report - Light News:
“Herping,” Maegan Seaman (Professor Terry Bryant's COMM 432/632 class)
Multimedia Journalism:
“Factory Closures Impact,” Abby Sussman (Professor Chris Halsne's COMM 720 class)
Video Essay:
“Inaccessible,” Heidi Kirk
“Invisible Crisis: Sickle Cell and Inequality,” Rosie Huges
“The Inequality of HIV,” Mike Pesoli
(Professor Terry Bryant's COMM 725 class)
Non-fiction - Long Form:
A River Called Home, Jess Wiegandt
The Mystery of the Freeway Phantom, Giorgio Citarella II