School of Public Affairs
Get a solid footing in your legal career. Explore the fundamentals of law and justice through a social sciences and…
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College of Arts & Sciences
Join one of the oldest branches of knowledge by studying mathematics. Majors in the BS program receive firm grounding in…
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School of Communication
American democracy is under attack from the dangers of online disinformation, internet surveillance, and manipulated…
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School of International Service
Study at the University for Peace in Costa Rica and on our campus in DC as you consider how to alleviate poverty while…
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School of Public Affairs
The certificate in Nonprofit Management combines academic rigor and skill set training to enhance the performance of…
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College of Arts & Sciences
The world works in fascinating ways, and AU physics students are driven to learn how. Whether you pursue a BS or BA, we…
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School of Communication School of Public Affairs
Learn how to create, shape, and manage surgically-precise political messaging. Our MA grounds you in political science,…
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School of Public Affairs
Our PhD program in political science has consistently produced top educators and researchers in the field. You’ll…
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