Selected Practicum & Thesis Projects
Xamine Your WorldHelps students, teachers, and stakeholders improve data literacy skills
- Creators: MS students Haiman Wong, Jingyi Xu, Doudou Shi, Elizabeth Marge
- Overview: XamineYourWorld uses 2020 Decennial Census Data and ACS Data to help K-12 students, teachers, and education stakeholders build data literacy skills through analyzing, assessing, and taking action with data visualizations. Developed for the Census Bureau Opportunity Project, fall 2021. See the Xamine Your World app.
- See also: Can Data Literacy Be Fun? The Census Bureau
Is Powering A (Student-Built) App For That
SunnyRHelps helps educators and students in Puerto Rico promote resilience by analyzing potential behavioral disorders and apt resources
- Creators: MS students Meera Patel, Lindsay Beyak, Jonathan Hague
- Overview: SunnyR is a Digital tool designed to helps educators and students ages 12-17 face adversity and promote resilience by analyzing potential behavioral disorders and finding resources. Mindful activities may also be encouraged in the classroom to promote a healthier learning environment and a safe space. If appropriate, educators may also provide information discovered with this app to parents/guardians of targeted youth. Developed for the Census Bureau Opportunity Project, fall 2022.
AirMotionDCMonitoring and analyze traffic patterns, air pollution and weather
- Creators: MS students Chace Paulson, Minh-Tuan Nguyen and BS Stats/Health student Shalini Ramachandra
- Overview: AirMotionDC compiles and visually displays real time data on traffic patterns, air pollution, and weather in the District of Columbia to explore the relationship between transportation and air quality locally, at both a granular level and citywide levels. Developed for the Census Bureau Opportunity Project, fall 2021.
More Project Briefs
- Charles Ingulli: An R Package for Managing Longitudinal Survival Data: LSDWrangling, supported by a Department of Mathematics and Statistics Summer Research Award, summer 2020.
Overview: Survival analysis data may come in different usable forms. Transitioning between formats requires detailed knowledge of how information is parsed and how variables are treated. The wlsd package in R provides methods for transforming data between usable formats to ease this process. wlsd can transition between the counting process format and longitudinal or panel format as well as setup data suitable for count data regression. - Allison Ragan: Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: A Visual Exploration. Supported by Mellon Grant, spring/summer 2021.
- Egzona Rexhepi: Independent Vector Analysis with Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation. MS thesis, fall 2022 Advisor: Zois Boukouvalas.

Xamine Your World app, developed by MS students for the Census Bureau Opportunity Project.