Research Faculty & Staff

Frederick Bruhweiler Research Professor-in-Residence CAS | Physics
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHFrederick C. Bruhweiler Physicist-in-Residence& Research Professor Dept. of PhysicsAmerican University (AU)E-mail: bruhweil@american.edu RECENT RESEARCH, ACADEMIC & ADMINISTRATIVE P…

Megan Kemble Assistant Director-D.C. Space Grant CAS | Physics

Vincent Kofman Research Assistant Professor CAS | Physics
Vincent Kofman has a Master’s degree in organic geochemistry from the Utrecht University (the Netherlands). His thesis project involved studying the climatic evolution of the Baltic Sea using molecula…

Pankaj Kumar Research Associate Professor CAS | Physics
Dr. Pankaj Kumar is a Research Associate Professor at AU. He joined AU in April 2020 as a Research Assistant Professor. Dr. Kumar Performs his research activities in the Space Weather laboratory (code…

Dennis Lucarelli Research Associate Professor-in-Residence CAS | Physics

Bruce McCollum Physicist In Residence CAS | Other Operations and Administration
My career has been as a staff scientist on the operations staff of several space observatories (IUE, Spitzer, and WISE). My research has consisted of observational astronomy. I have been the principal…

Adam McKay Adjunct Assistant Professor CAS | Physics
Comets consist of primitive material that has experienced little processing since the formation of the Solar System. This makes comets important tools for understanding the composition and environment…

James Talamonti Research Associate-in-Residence Conversion Only

Kim Tolbert Research Scientist-in-Residence CAS | Physics
Kim Tolbert has been designing, implementing, maintaining, and documenting data analysis software for over 30 years. She made key contributions to the SMM/HXRBS, CGRO/BATSE, and RHESSI data analysis e…